Florence County WIC office Hours are 7:30am-4pm on the First Thursday of Each Month (if these times do not work, appointments can be made by request).

Call 715-528-4837 or email Sidnie Graff for more information or to schedule an appointment.

The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program provides food and nutrition information to help keep pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children under 5 years of age healthy and strong. For more information on the WIC program, visit the WIC page on Department of Health Services (DHS) website at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/wic/index.htm.

You may qualify if you live in Wisconsin, are pregnant, breastfeeding or a new mother, you have an infant or children under 5 years of age, you or your children have a health or nutrition need and have a gross household income that is less than or equal to WIC income guidelines. Income guidelines are revised every July. Click here to see the WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Nondiscrimination Statement | Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Florence County Area WIC Vendors

Pat’s Foods
1000 Central Avenue
Florence, WI 54121

Northwoods IGA
501 Washington Avenue
Niagara, WI 54151

Farmers Market Nutrition Program

Farmers Market checks are available June 1 until October 31st.

Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) is available June 1st-October 31st each year. If you are currently enrolled in WIC and interested in receiving $40 per participant in FMNP benefits, please contact Alisha at the WIC office at 715-528-3426.

Visit the vendors at the summer Aurora Farmer’s Market! Thursdays from 8am-1pm at Aurora Pavilion June through October, WIC families can redeem their FMNP vouchers- look for the vendor signs!

First Appointment– At the first appointment you will need the following:

*The above are examples and other items may be acceptable. Please call the Health Department if you have any questions.

Local resources for Medicaid, FoodShare and substance about counseling and treatment can be found on the Florence County Resource Guide


Here are some WIC Approved Recipes. Enjoy!
Mac and Cheese
Tortilla Pizza
Tuna Pasta
Ultimate Strawberry PB&J

Tortilla Pizza

Please visit wichealth.org to learn more about WIC Approved Recipes and Nutrition Education regarding your WIC benefits.